Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time Flies

Wow, it's been a while once again. Things have just been so busy as they always are at this time of year with school back in session and fall sports in full swing. The only night of the week where we don't have anything going on is Wednesday so roll on tomorrow! My days have been busy as well as my evenings. I have been consistently going to the gym and I can honestly say I'm loving it! Not only do I get to work out with my good friends bu I generally just feel so much better for exercising and I feel stronger.

Each morning I drop the kids off at school and then head straight to the gym which is only a few minutes from my house. I work out from 9-10.30am and then I usually run errands etc before heading home. By the time I get showered and eat some lunch it's often going on for 1pm! Needless to say I've been neglecting things around the house a little. Tomorrow I am going to come straight home after dropping the kids off so I can mow the grass. I figured it's still a good workout as I'll use the push mower and we have 1.3 acres so it takes a good while. We also have the pool company coming out in the morning and I need to be here for them so that's another reason for staying at home. If I get a lot done I may go to the gym for an hour before picking up the kids in the afternoon but we'll see.

On Thursday I have orientation at the school board so I can complete my application for substitute teaching. The class lasts from 8.30am - 4pm but someone I know did hers today and she said they were done by 12.30pm so that isn't too bad. Hopefully I have time to substitute if I get called - one more thing to try and fit into my day!

Well, it's a quick update for now. Hopefully the next post will be a bit more exciting!


1 comment:

Denise said...

Just asked you about the gym in my email :)
Substitute teaching!! Don't you have enough to do? Honestly lass you wear me out just thinking about all you do ;)
Have a good week, and enjoy tonight 'off' - it's Wednesday :-)