Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back to normal

Life has been pretty much back to normal since Monday. Joe was sick right through until Sunday afternoon and was still spiking a fever but on Monday he woke up feeling good, no fever and he was ready to head back to school - yippee!!!!!! I felt like I'd been let out of my cage and I headed straight to the gym once the kids had been dropped off at school. It was good to be back and I felt like I had some catching up to do after not being there for almost a week. I soon got back into the swing of things and I felt good after a hard workout. I was back in there yesterday and worked out even harder and that felt good too.

Today has been a little manic once again. Wednesday is my day to volunteer in school. I help out in Joe's class from 9-11.30am. This morning I made up little booklets to start with and then we split the class into three groups and myself and the two teachers took our groups outside to look and find different colored things outside. The kids had to draw or write about what they saw. After that we came back inside and got ready to start our morning centers. I had the craft center (as I usually do!) and I worked with everyone coloring, cutting and making a picture story board for a story the teacher had just read. It was fun and the kids are so cute!

Once Joe's class head off to lunch at 11.30am it's my time to go and help out in Amy's class. I start with putting together the Wednesday folders - this is the folder that's used each week to bring home all of the generic school flyer's, newsletters etc. After that Amy's teacher gave me lots of photocopying to do for the whole of 3rd Grade. Well, needless to say the copier decided to act itself today and not play nice. I got everything done eventually but it was a pain. I did meet a nice lady while doing all of that though. She is the mother in law of another 3rd grade teacher and she is a Brit! We got chatting about "home" and what we miss etc. She had been here since the 60s and has a lot of family over here now so she is more than settled.

I finally left school at 1.40pm and I was starving!!!!! I headed straight home to eat lunch and I stayed there only for half an hour or so when I decided I should go to the Drs office and get my allergy shot as it was overdue and I also needed to run to Walmart for milk and cereal. After that it was straight off to school and time wise I was cutting it fine! Amy had her first night of Drama club tonight so she wasn't getting out until 5.05pm. I picked up Joe, went home, made dinner, ran back up to school to get Amy, came home, ate dinner and said goodbye to Shaun as he left for his soccer game. Phew! Things have been a little more laid back since then which is good. I like that we get to stay at home on Wednesday nights and not have to go out to soccer as we do every other school night of the week although we only have 2 more weeks of Joe's practices and then his team is done. Amy's last game isn't until the first week of November and then we move to indoor soccer for which we only practice once a week so our schedule does calm down a bit.

Tomorrow morning I have to wait in for the DirecTV guy coming sometime between 8-12. No doubt he'll get here at 11.55am! I usually go to the gym on Thursday mornings but I'll just get my stuff in the house done early and head to the gym once the guy has been. He is just swapping out 2 receivers with newer models so it shouldn't take too long once he gets here.

Ok, well the kids have just gone off to bed so I am going to put my feet up and watching some meaningless TV for a little while. Hope you had a good day!



Denise said...

I can't imagine being out of the house nearly every night for soccer!! but I've never really liked soccer so why would I? ;-)
So I'm loving the gym, and I will hopefully try to go in there today to do cardio on the treadmill. I know I have a treadmill at home, but I'm more motivated when I go in to the gym. I hope Jason does join soon, although he said yesterday that he probably wouldn't want a PT. Just getting him to go and workout would be a miracle if you ask me!
Kristen is at Grandma's (had a sleep over last night) so I'm up on my own this morning, J is still in bed (9.30). Coffee just brewed so I'm gonna have myself a cuppa.
Have a great weekend.

Denise said...

We do have a kids room at the gym but it's full of one and two year olds most of the time, and I don't know what's in there that Kristen could play with? So I changed my gym day to tomorrow and Thurs this week :) Now I find out J is working from home today so I could have gone in after all. Never mind! When Jason starts coming with me (if he means what he says) we'll have to take Kristen to the kids room but I thought she would have to just take her gameboy to keep her occupied? What's in your kids room that Amy and Joe play with?