I know you are all jealous and you wish that your own child had style just like mine has. He also cut a chunk from the side of his head above his ear and that looks just as adorable, though not quite as noticeable. Needless to say the scissors have been confiscated and now only Mom or Dad are allowed to use them. Little stinker! I told him that at least when I did this as a kid I was sensible enough to cut someone else's hair and not my own! I think I got that one from my Mam who decided to cut the pigtails off a girl who had beautiful long hair. Remember that Mummy dear? Every time a plane went over today I told Joe to cover his head incase the pilot thought he had a landing strip on his head :)
Not a great deal else going on right now. We've just been to soccer as usual and tonight was Joe's last practice. They have tournament on Saturday and Sunday and then that is him finished. Yippee! It will be a lot less rushing around. Amy's practice will continue but now we won't need to be anywhere until 6pm instead of 5pm.
Denise, I have not been eating well like you have. I really need to make an effort and plan more rather than flying by the seat of my pants like I do most days. We have cut back on the amount of veggies and fruit we've been eating and we really need to reverse that with so many good things being in season right now. Saying that Joe had a banana and an apple for dinner and 5 slices of watermelon for lunch - he's a great fruit and veggie eater. We always have plenty of melon and strawberries and such like but there's so much more on offer that I should make the effort to buy it and actually do something with it (as opposed to watching it grow a fur jacket in my fridge!)
Ok, well I need to clean up a little and get my energy level up and ready for laying 5 pallets of sod tomorrow - yay me! Enjoy your night.