All of the kindergartners were herded into the cafeteria until they were all there and then each teacher took their own group down to their classroom. Joe was quite happy to sit with his new friends as I said goodbye to him. I then saw Amy off as she joined the 3rd graders (it doesn't seem long since she had her first day at kindergarten) and I left to head home without any tears:) It's hard to be sad when your child is so excited to be there. When I got home it was so strange being in a house so quiet! Shaun is in VA all week so I don't even have his noise to distract me.
So what did I do with all of my new found freedom? I baked and decorated Back to School cookies ready for the kids coming home of course. I went back to the school at 11.25am to help out with kindergarten lunches which is always chaotic the first week or so. Joe said he was having a great time and really liked his teacher. He was settled next to his classmates and had a good time eating his lunch and watching all of the comings of goings. After that it was a quick run to Walmart for me and then back home to decorate the cookies. I just got them finished in time for picking the kids up. Phew!
Their verdict on the day was that it was great. Joe said it was the best day ever! He loves his teacher, Mrs Morrow and liked having so many kids his age around him. His favorite thing of course was recess - who would've thought??? Amy loves her new teacher too. She has Mrs Ellis and she said she is a lot of fun and really, really nice. She said a lot of today was boring as they were going over the rules for everything with each teacher they visited - hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more exciting. She also said she spent a lot of the day feeling nervous about whether or not Joe was okay or whether he might be hurt or upset or whatever. We told her not to worry herself about that - if anything is wrong they will call us - not her!
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get some time to get the house in better shape. I have a ton of laundry (does it ever end?) and I need to take a lot of stuff to Goodwill and to the dump. Sounds like fun don't you think? Tomorrow night we have soccer practice with Amy's team and I hope everyone is not too tired now that school has started up. It usually takes a few weeks for everyone to get adjusted to their new routines.
Well that's about it from me. What a crazy day!!!!! How was yours?